Douchebag Chick img

Douchebag Chick is a satirical and humorous challenge in which players will control a young girl. She wants to become the most popular and stylish person in her city. The main goal is to go from an ordinary person to a real star.

Plot and Rules

The story begins with the main character deciding to radically change her life and gain authority. She starts by updating her wardrobe, visiting beauty salons and a gym. Gradually, she changes her appearance, acquiring more and more expensive and fashionable things, as well as improving her physical fitness.

She will:

  • Participate in Competitions
  • Communication with Different People
  • Visit Fashion Shows

In this game, you will also have to interact with guys, whom you will charm and use to achieve your desires. The young lady will develop her social skills, learn to manipulate men and achieve her goals at any cost.

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